Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Loooooong Way to Go

So with working 8 zillion hours and being sick, I really haven't been able to work out much. Which, as I might add, sucks hardcore since, as I mentioned before, if I take more than two days off it's like taking over a week off.

Since this absence has compiled itself into a pound of guilt crushing my brain (adding to my never-ending supply of mucus, i'm sure), I forced myself to go back to the gym today after work. Couldn't run much (depressing), but managed to do a few sprints then walk at a nice healthy incline before doing a bit more basic running (dragged that out for a little over 15 minutes). After that, I stretched and then slogged through 15 minutes on the step mill (a painful 15 minutes, i might add) and then 20 minutes on the elliptical (doing the built-in interval thingy).

Then I dragged my butt in the pool for the second time this week. The pool at work is 25 meters ... which translates to a 50 meter lap which means by August 8, I'll need to be able to swim 15 laps ... without stopping ... in open water ... with like 500 people around me.

Right now?

Yeah, I can maybe do 17 meters before I die. Haven't quite gotten the breathing-while-swimming thing down yet and this persistent head cold that WON'T GO AWAY makes my nose drip mucus while I swim which is so totally gross. I can make 25 meters without stopping on occasion, but it really depends on the nose and on the lungs. The body can make it a bit more, but it's jerky and stupid looking, I'm sure. I did get some very helpful advice from one of our now former trainers earlier this week when she talked me into swimming with her (she's a swim coach as well), but it's kind of depressing to know what I can do now and what I need to be at in two and a half months. :(

Maybe I should just spend money I really don't have on training sessions because right now, motivation is hard to find. Not only do I not work out as much as I should, but my eating habits have pretty much gone to hell too. *sigh* ...

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