Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Breakdown

Okay, now that the race results are officially in, I can share my breakdown (and, i'll also share amber's and gen's since they SUCK and never update this).

So, me:
1430th overall
95th in my age group (20-24)
21:06 swim (1781st overall)
7:07 first transition
43:19 bike (1357th overall; 15.7 mph)
3:41 second transition
32:07 run (1069th overall; 10:21 splits)
1:47:22 overall.

2178th overall
127th in the age group (same)
17:34 swim (876th overall ... i hate her ... just kidding!)
8:16 first transition
54:22 bike (2391st overall; 12.5 mph)
5:46 second transition
39:14 run (1968th overall; 12:39 splits)
2:05:15 overall

2398th overall
137th in the age group (same)
33:23 swim (2586th overall)
8:33 first transition
48:13 bike (2017th overall; 14.1 mph)
4:35 second transition
42:11 run (2207th overall; 13:36 splits)
2:16:56 overall

We. Are. Awesome! :)


Oh. My. God. That was totally freaking awesome! Finishing that race was the biggest endorphin rush EVER.

*takes a deep breath*

Okay. So we'll start out from last night. My brother just moved into a new house so he had a little party (obviously the night before i have a race. figures ...). I went, being the good sister that I am, though I avoided the beer that was calling out to me. My original intention was to only stay about a half-hour.

Riiiight. Three hours later, I'm heading home. I figure that going to bed by 11:30 wasn't all that bad because that's what I usually do. Therefore, keeping with routine, right? That's what I thought.

Anyway, finally rolled out of bed this morning at 4:30ish, ate breakfast, got my stuff all together ... and learned that Gen and I were not carpooling together. This was an issue because my bike really doesn't fit in my car. I somehow got the wheels off and the bike jammed in my car, but when I got to the parking lot, I couldn't get my back wheel back on or my brakes to go back together (both small little issues). Some kind souls in the car next to me got my back wheel back on (getting hands full of chain grease for their trouble; i felt bad), I somehow got my back brake connected again ... but my stupid front brake wasn't going back together. By this point, I'd been at the parking lot for about 45 minutes and really should have been setting up my spot in the transition zone.

When Gen and her boyfriend John finally arrived, I met up with them and John thankfully was able to put my front brake back together. I quickly hopped on the bike, it seemed to work - good enough for me. Met up with Amber in the transition zone, squashed my stuff next to hers, warmed up ... I felt ready to go after that stupid bike fiasco.

At 8:20am, Amber and I went in our heat (gen was 4 minutes earlier). First up: swimming. For next time, I know that THIS is something I need to work on. It's fun being kicked every now and then, but you can't really get away from the person kicking you without getting too far off course or stopping yourself. I also ended up doing the breaststroke pretty much the entire way, keeping my head above water (so totally not how i had practiced). Had to stop and use the swim angels once to clear out my goggles (seeing is good), though I almost stopped one other time because I was having a mini asthma/anxiety attack. Still, survived the swim (in supposedly, i found out later, 21 minutes ... though i kinda don't believe it (championchip be damned)).

After a long (7 minute!) transition, I hopped on the bike for the shortened (stupid construction - cut the bike course by a mile) bike course. I ended up making up a lot of ground on the bike course, feeling good enough to scream and yell support at pretty much everyone I passed (yeah, i'm that crazy kid). I was a little concerned 'cuz my bike was squeaking something fierce, but I got through it totally fine. My legs burned at a few points, but overall, it was an easier 11.4 miles than I had been doing on the C/E-470 trail. Still, my poor bike gets a tune-up this week just to be safe.

Next up: 3.1 mile run ... which by itself wouldn't be so bad for me right now, but after all that other crap? Yeeeah, I ended up walking probably half of it. I did have an advantage by not having bike shoes though - much quicker transition. Though I put my watch on after the swim, I never really looked at it until I was on the running course. At that point, I realized that I was still on pace for my goal of finishing under two hours. As I just mentioned like two sentences ago, I ended up walking probably about half (made sure i alternated), although it probably would have been less had it not been for my feet (stupid blisters). Still, I had enough in the tank for a nice sprint finish and apparently a time of 1:47:22! WOOOO!

My entire body was covered in sweat and I was totally nasty and disgusting, but damn that was awesome.

I don't know if I'm now hooked on triathlons, but doing this race (or a similar one) is definitely something I'll consider again.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

FIVE, Four, Three, Two ...

Only five days left; can you believe it?

... I can't believe I'm the only one posting in this thing, that's what I can't believe. :-p

Anyway, I'm very unsure as to how I feel about this. Gen and I did an open water swim on Sunday at the Cherry Creek swim beach. While getting the open water experience was good, there were some downsides. Basic things learned:

- Swimming in really shallow water sucks, especially when you're kinda tall.
- I. Hate. Seaweed. I know I'm going to swim into some and have to stop and rip it all away from my head/face before I continue on Sunday ...
- Murky water is really a little scary at first, but not so bad after a while.
- Swimming through boat wakes sucks also since for a few seconds, it feels like you're not moving anywhere.

The tri will be in a different part of the park, but I'm thinking that the water will probably be much of the same, just deeper.

We missed Amber that day, but she did a bit of the same swimming, plus the bike course. Apparently it's a little hilly, but doable. A trainer at work who is also doing the tri has done the bike and running course and said the same thing. Luckily all I do is bike and run hills since that's all there is around here.

I heard from Gen yesterday she did a mock-tri at (i'm guessing) the hospital gym, just to know she could finish. I had been thinking of doing something similar, but a.) I'd want to do it outside, since biking and running inside is SO much different than outside for me and b.) I'd heard that doing a full mock wasn't a good idea. However, at this point, I kinda figure, "whatever works," so yeah.

Today I did my first mini brick workout (a little late in the game, i know). Biked for 11.5 mi and then did a quick jog around the block (.4 mi). The jog was a lot shorter than I'd have liked it to have been, but all I really wanted to do was get a feel for it ... because it's really actually kinda weird.

The schedule for the rest of the week is tentatively looking like so: swim tomorrow morning, run tomorrow night, small bike and probably yoga on Thursday, hockey Friday night and only a nice walk on Saturday. I figure that should be good enough. My original thought was to take Friday completely off, but really, I like my hockey and have been trying to get back into that as well.

Still, I'm a little apprehensive since my body isn't particularly built (well, muscles still aren't trained) for endurance and a triathlon is all about endurance. My legs really wanted to crap out on me at several points on the bike today and that was all by itself - no swim beforehand and only a miniscule run after. I'm also hoping the sports asthma won't be a problem since I had some slight issues with that on the bike as well. I guess we'll see, but I know myself well enough to know that I won't be able to definitively say for sure how I'm going to do until I wake up Sunday morning and see how I feel. If I feel good, I know I'll be fine (see: race around the rez). If I don't feel good, or wake up late and get a bad start (not-blogged about race on the fourth because it was CRAP), I may be in for a long day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Countdown Continues ...

Only 12 days left until the Tri for the Cure and I'm feeling okay about it. I don't think I'm going to end up being as competitive as I'd like to be or as one of the trainers at work (also doing the tri) thinks I'm going to be (she thinks i'm going to finish in 1:45 ... yeah whatever), but I think I'm okay with it. Sure, my competitive nature is struggling with this somewhat-acceptance, but I've made enough strides along the way to say, "Quiet, you!"

My swimming, which was total crap four months ago, has picked up fairly well. Each time I'm in the pool I can do my laps quicker. Granted, I still can't do many consecutively (or really, any), but I've always had issues with endurance. I haven't yet done an open water swim (this weekend! a little late, but one is better than none, right?), but I've been logging pool time when I can manage ... which means waking up over an hour earlier than normal to swim before work.

While I've never considered myself much of a runner and have claimed to hate the mere activity for years, the more I run, the more I'm okay with it. Though it's not much, I've been logging around 6-8 miles a week for the past month. True, that's about one-fourth of what I should be logging, but for someone who can't stand to run and whose lungs feel like exploding half the time when she does run? That's not bad .... especially considering that I've done the Glendale Farm loop twice in just about 30 minutes (so doing just a tad longer than a 5k faster than i've ever officially raced a 5k) WITH a small stretch break in the middle. How I'll do after swimming and biking is another story, but in general, I'm starting to actually enjoy running, if only a little.

My one main issue now is the cycling part. While I never focused on it much, thinking it would be my strong point, I'm now thinking I may have screwed myself over (go figure; this is a typical t trait). When I did my somewhat-crazy long bike ride a week and a half ago (so the last time i posted), I did have quite a bit of leg burn that wasn't happy at all. I do just fine on a stationary, but put me outside and really, what I'm doing isn't quite as nice as I'd like it to be. I'm sure actual hills and wind and other such factors help with the added pain, but y'know. Still, I think I need to somehow try to squish in a few long rides this week.

So, for the most part, everything seems to be coming together. There's a few key things I haven't quite gotten to yet (open water swim, brick workouts, scout the course, learning general bike maintenance (next monday)), but compared to where I was a few months ago? Light years away.

Of course, that tells me that if I was doing what I'm doing now back four months ago, I'd be totally awesome right now, but I think I'd also be more bored with doing the same three things than I am now. As much as I was apathetic about the elliptical before this training, I'm really looking forward to hopping on one again because it will be something DIFFERENT. This boredom is also another reason why I'm playing hockey again, even though it's probably not typical triathlon cross-training.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Amping It Up

So with the looming Tri "deadline" in front of me, I decided it's time to get super serious with training (yeah, a little late, I know, but better late than never, right?). As a result, I woke up at 4:30 this morning so I could swim before my shift. The original plan was to wake up at 4 so I could bike to work, swim and then take a detour to another club to drop something off before going home. However, bed was a bit too nice and Mom didn't want me riding in the dark.

Anyway. I got into the pool and really didn't feel like swimming. I did one fairly strong lap and was like, "I'm done now." However, my brain wasn't having any of that and I ended up staying in the pool for 20 minutes and 600 meters.

After work, I got home, unwound for a bit, then hopped on the bike and headed over to the Highlands Ranch 24 Hour to drop off this stupid member's Kid's Club card (I walked in with my bike and the guy at the desk just stared: "you biked all this way to drop off one card?" "... yes."). My legs still suck (boo!) and the stupid C-470 trail has an assload of hills, so the (around) 15.6 mile trip took me 90 minutes. My legs were about ready to give out on the last long trail climb back up toward Yosemite so I had to drop to a gear lower than I usually do for that hill and for the last stupid hill in my neighborhood (drawbacks to where I live: 99% of ride routes end with some sort of miserable hill).

Since I'm crazy (or determined, take your pick), I think I may go do the Glendale Farm loop as well today (so run 1.6 miles).

Of course, I also fully admit that one reason I want to do a lot today is I plan on drinking tonight and therefore want to burn a crapload of calories so I can drink some and still have a deficit. I do realize this is somewhat counterproductive, but hey. I'm finally starting to get some weekends free from work so I gotta take what I can get.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Including today, we have 24 days before the Tri. Under a month and just over two weeks.

You scared?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

On Second Thought ...

... my 5K time last Wednesday was pretty good. 33:49 in 90-degree heat with walking is only 1:15 more than the 32:33 i did that was entirely running in May ... which was in much more ideal conditions. So really, I am improving - the conditions just didn't show it. Sweet!

In other news, I did a mini-brick yesterday at the gym (nothing like a real one, i know) - stationary bike for 20 minutes and then treadmill for 10 (7.1 mi/.9 mi). I didn't feel all that bad during it, though that, tonight (story soon) and then that 5K are making me realize that I either a.) need thinner socks to train in or b.) need some super blister balm since the bottoms of my feet are starting to bug me. It's a bit annoying.

ANYWAY. I've been trying to find running trails that a.) aren't pavement, b.) aren't ridiculously hilly and c.) close to the house (that is, 5 compared to 20 minutes away). One of the trainers suggested the Glendale Farm Trail that's about 5 miles away from home (25 south to surrey ridge; go under freeway and turn on gravel road before forced to get back on 25). Since it was a relatively cool day today (70sish), I decided to go check it out.

Verdict: I like it. It doesn't fulfill point b.) above, though it's pretty hard to find ANYTHING around here that does. The loop is 1.6 miles, though I don't know if that includes this little dead-end part of the trail. Anyway, there's an uphill portion (a bit twisty if you head left at the trailhead) that flattens out, though has a slight uphill incline continuing north-ish. The trail then forks at either the 2/3 or 3/4 point - either to the dead-end part or continuing on - and then winds its way down hill. I didn't feel all that good until about halfway through the flat part and had to walk some, but near the end I felt good (except for this stupid foot thing). Not good enough to try a second loop, mind you, but perhaps later this week if it stays cool. I did the loop in about 16 minutes, which is my basic running average right now.

As a footnote, I also biked to work today (3.4 miles one way) as part of Bike to Work Day 2007, so go me!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Results: In

So apparently all I had to do was search online for the results for that stupid 5K I did last week. Well, the good news is I did better than I thought, though not by much. I had estimated between 34 and 36 minutes - official time: 33:49, 290/652 runners. It's not great, but really, it's still better than my first ever 5K time so I think I'm good with that.

Speaking of 5Ks, the Lone Tree Firecracker 5K is coming up on the 4th. I still intend on running it, but that may require me taking a long lunch break at work (didn't get the time off i requested - not happy about that. i need battery recharging time and i'm not getting it ... assholes.) that day since I'm scheduled. Peachy, I know.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Small Victories

Still don't know my 5K time (grrr), but good news on the swimming front!

When I do end up swimming, I usually split my laps between freestyle (i think that's what you call the regular "swim" stroke) and the breaststroke. Lately I've been doing around nine laps ... though not consecutively and usually stopping at the halfway point of every lap (shut up, i'm working on it). However, tonight I did 14 laps ... including a few laps that were a consecutive 50 meters (well consecutive with a mini jerk in the middle since i can't do the underwater kick turn thingy)! That's only one lap off of what I'll need to be able to do for the tri, so it looks like that's slowly coming along - plus! :)

Once July hits I'll start trying training "bricks" as well as a few open water swims and hopefully I'll be good ...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Training: Decent ...

So about a month and a half to go to the tri and my training is getting ... better. I've started swimming at least twice a week (which i know i need to amp up, but compared to my no swimming ever, this is an upgrade) and biking when I can, though that's dropped off the past week.

However, getting myself to run more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time is a real struggle. I don't know, unless I'm in a competitive-type atmosphere, I get too bored or ... something. That, however, brings me to tonight ...

A few weeks ago, someone dropped off a few pamphlets for the Summer Solstice Race (for melanoma research) at work. I thought about doing it, but never signed up given that I really haven't been running much (stupid lack of motivation). However, I knew that I had to run at some point this week and run outside. Most people I've talked to said I needed to start running outside a lot more but I despise running outside in my neighborhood because it's hilly and I hate hills. ANYWAY, this one was in the relative flat-land that is City Park. Sooo, I drove over there and signed up. The race was at 6:30 this evening and it was still 90 freaking degrees outside (tied a record at 97 today). I started off slow and steady (harkening back to the relative success it brought me back in may in boulder), even though the two other people I knew there got in front of me. I managed to run the first two miles (longest. two. miles. ever.) without walking, but the heat and my asthma decided to overtake me and force me to walk some. I still kept a decent pace when I did walk, so that's a positive ... plus I passed the two other people I knew.

I don't know my final time (stupid people didn't have a working race clock) AND I won't find out until Monday (wtf?!) how I did, but I'm guessing it was somewhere between 34 and 36 minutes which isn't great, but considering the conditions and that I haven't run much lately, I'll take it.

Now I just need to find some way to make myself run that much on a semi-regular basis without continually forking out the dough for races ...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Yeah That's Better

Got back on the bike today - rode to a friend's house (a bit further than where I went yesterday), talked to him a while and then rode back. Taking out the time I spent talking, I figure I did about 11.46 miles (again, thanks to in just over an hour which is much more like it. It also helped that the lights were mostly with me for half the ride (have to cross some busy intersections while on the trail).

About an hour later, I went to the gym for a bit and did 10 minutes on the treadmill (random, level 2, first 8 min. at 5.7 mph, 1 at 6.0 and 1 at 6.5) - the first five or so minutes felt really good and then a little fatigue (stupid lungs) started setting in, but overall I'm okay with that. Then I lifted (arms/back/chest) for a little while, but rushed through it since I thought I was supposed to meet the same friend from earlier to go out on his boat. Obviously he still hasn't called. Grr ...

Anyway, after training seemed to be going really crappy, it's been looking up the past two days. Two days is two days, but still ... it makes me feel better. Now all I need to do is get my butt in the pool more and I'll hopefully be good ...

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Not Bad ...

First of all, why am I the only one updating this? I know Ms. Gen is rarely near a computer, but Ms. Amber, I say you have no excuse! :-p

So I've been bad about working out lately - ridiculously stressed, working a lot (stupid work) and generally emotionally unstable. Yeah, it's fabulous. Despite all that crap, however, I managed to have two bright points this week:
1. I ran stairs at Red Rocks on Thursday (for like 15 minutes, but it still counts).
2. Though I got talked into working a split shift at work (6-11am and now 5-10pm), I forced myself to go on a nice long bike ride. Was out for about an hour and thanks to (which is one of the coolest sites ever, i might add), figured out that the ride was about 10 miles long.

While that might not be the best pace (before i was estimating the 12.1 for the tri in about 45min), I would like to point out that a.) I'm really not in my best shape right now and b.) I rode from my house down to a good chunk of the C-470 bike trail (from yosemite to colorado) and back, which happens to be a LOT hillier than the course will be.

Basically all this proves is that the cycling part will be my strongest during the Tri, which is something I already knew. But with all the setbacks and lack of good training lately, I need a silver lining, damnit.

And speaking of the Tri, not to scare everyone or anything, but it's basically in TWO MONTHS. That's right, 60 days ... I'm trying hard not to think that I'm screwed, but part of me really thinks I am ...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Loooooong Way to Go

So with working 8 zillion hours and being sick, I really haven't been able to work out much. Which, as I might add, sucks hardcore since, as I mentioned before, if I take more than two days off it's like taking over a week off.

Since this absence has compiled itself into a pound of guilt crushing my brain (adding to my never-ending supply of mucus, i'm sure), I forced myself to go back to the gym today after work. Couldn't run much (depressing), but managed to do a few sprints then walk at a nice healthy incline before doing a bit more basic running (dragged that out for a little over 15 minutes). After that, I stretched and then slogged through 15 minutes on the step mill (a painful 15 minutes, i might add) and then 20 minutes on the elliptical (doing the built-in interval thingy).

Then I dragged my butt in the pool for the second time this week. The pool at work is 25 meters ... which translates to a 50 meter lap which means by August 8, I'll need to be able to swim 15 laps ... without stopping ... in open water ... with like 500 people around me.

Right now?

Yeah, I can maybe do 17 meters before I die. Haven't quite gotten the breathing-while-swimming thing down yet and this persistent head cold that WON'T GO AWAY makes my nose drip mucus while I swim which is so totally gross. I can make 25 meters without stopping on occasion, but it really depends on the nose and on the lungs. The body can make it a bit more, but it's jerky and stupid looking, I'm sure. I did get some very helpful advice from one of our now former trainers earlier this week when she talked me into swimming with her (she's a swim coach as well), but it's kind of depressing to know what I can do now and what I need to be at in two and a half months. :(

Maybe I should just spend money I really don't have on training sessions because right now, motivation is hard to find. Not only do I not work out as much as I should, but my eating habits have pretty much gone to hell too. *sigh* ...

Friday, May 11, 2007

... Wow.

So I kinda illegally* took a spin class at work this morning. Today is my only day off this week (crazy, i know), so I decided to join the masses of the insane and spend an hour sweating my ass off on a bike. I made it through ... somehow ... though regretfully I had to cut down the resistance from where I should have been at thanks to suffering three mini asthma attacks in the first 25 minutes. I also had to get off the bike about 10 minutes after that to get rid of mucus (since i'm still sick), but hey.

The good news is that it kicked my ass (literally). The bad news is, it means that I probably still have a long way to go in terms of bike training too. The good news related to that is that the tri is still about three months away.

In other news, quite a few of my co-workers are trying to talk me into running the Bolder Boulder (a 10k, so twice the distance of what i did last weekend) over Memorial Day, but I'm kind of thinking no.

*Illegally, because employees are only allowed to take spin classes if there's a free bike. Today's class was wait-listed, which meant I should have given up my bike. Luckily, the spin instructor and half the regulars love me and didn't want me to leave.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Baby Steps

While I've been bad about getting in the pool and forcing myself to swim, I got a new swimsuit today. I have a long torso and the one-piece I had for "sport" swimming just seemed to fit odd as a result. So, I went and spent $60 on a two-piece Nike swimsuit. The top is more sports bra-ish and should provide ample support for my not-so-big chest while I run/bike as well (since i am planning on wearing this suit in august for the tri).

Obviously now I have to wear the damn thing and get cracking on my swimming - the one thing I haven't been able to find much motivation for. Boo.

Oh, and I'm thinking of being crazy and taking one of the spin classes at work on Friday (my one day off this week) ... and the one with supposedly the best spin instructor on the planet where her regular students are basically her cult members. We'll see if this plan comes to fruition, though ...

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Hahaha. First of all let me say that my endorphins didn't last nearly as long as T's did. I kind of crashed and hit the wall pretty soon after finishing the race. BUT, I'm pretty happy with my results, too.
Anyone who knows me knows that ever since like the first day of college I have been a complete nocturnal insomniac. I am SO not a morning person. I tried to go to bed early last night but couldn't fall asleep. I think my head finally hit the pillow around 1 am. Then I kept waking up because I was cold and my cat was bothering me, etc. So when my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning, I hit snooze for an entire hour before finally peeling myself out of bed at 6:30 not very well rested.

Regardless, I managed to make it up to Boulder in about 40 minutes. T and I had some time to ditch our cars, check-in, stretch, and get geared up for the race. My legs were still KILLING me from a pretty serious leg workout on Wednesday, when I did some killer squats, lunges, and weights. When the race started, I was really worried that my leg, thigh, and hip soreness was going to hold me back but the running helped to stretch out my muscles and it wasn't an issue again until the end when I could really feel it.

I was able to keep up with T for the first mile, and then I had to let her pass me. My goal was to run the entire way and to finish the race strong. I ended up having to power walk up the first hill so that I could maintain my pace for the remainder of the race. Considering that I have never been a runner and just recently started running (about 2 months ago) I am really happy that I was able to run for the majority of the race. I finished at 38:02 and T was nice enough to wait at the end to cheer me on! : )

So, I ran about a 12.26 minute mile, which equates to 4.9 mph. My goal now is to try to get my time to under 10 minutes, or to maintain about a 6 mph pace. I'm also working on getting to bed earlier, because I think a good night's sleep goes a long way toward successful athleticism.

I'm glad I did the race so that I had a chance to get up early, enjoy the drive to Boulder, stretch my legs, and get a grasp on where I'm at so that I can take my training to the next level. (Oh, and the chocolate chip pancakes at the end were definitely worth it!)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Success! ... Kinda.

First of all, Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! (if you care, that is)

Secondly, Amber and I did the KBCO Race around the Rez 5k this morning up in Boulder. I'll let Amber post about her run, but I am proud to say that while I didn't have the (or my) best time (32:33), I managed to run the entire race without walking once. For me, this is a big deal since my main issue with running isn't my legs, it's my lungs.

As I think I posted way back in the beginning, I have exercise-induced (sports) asthma. As a result, my lungs turn my breathing into what is known as "rusty pipe organ." To combat this, I use a few puffs from the ol' inhaler as well as concentrate on my breathing - two in, four out. Two in, four out. I wasn't paying attention to distance this morning until I saw the two mile marker ... soon after, my breathing was more of two in, two out which for me, is the beginnings of rusty pipe organ. I managed to keep it at two in, three out with some struggle for the rest of the race. Almost gave up and walked near the end, but I couldn't bring myself to walk when I could see the finish line in front of me.

In any case, I'm happy about not walking at all and have been so crazily wired that after coming back down from Boulder and enjoying a good chunk of Kinetics, I actually stopped at the gym and did 20 minutes on the stationary bike (7.2 mi) ... including the last five at a higher level than I ever usually do.

I know I'll probably feel it tomorrow when I'm at work at 6am, but for now, the endorphins still haven't seem to worn off yet.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Random Stuff

So Gen is officially in - I made her sit down and register this weekend. YAY!

In other news ...

Worked out Thursday and Friday with one of the girls at work and oh my god did she kill me! I'll be the first one to admit that I often get in workout ruts - if you spend too long doing the same things, your body doesn't react as well anymore. So, doing other, different things was a nice shock. My legs have recovered from Thursday, but my core is still dead from Friday (and it's monday!). Still, I haven't had that sort of workout pain in a while so it was awesome. :)

Dropped my bike off today to get tuned so I'll get that back on Friday, which is good. I then had the genius idea to try and run home from REI ... yeah, not so much. I'm still kind of sick which means I'm still mucus-y ... which means running isn't so pleasant outside. Saturday's 5k is going to be f.u.n., let me tell you. Still, I probably made it about halfway home (running/walking) before I gave up and called my mom to come get me.

Since I'm still kind of mad with myself for that one, I'm going to go force myself to run some more tonight at the gym on the treadmill.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Gripes and pains and all the joys of training! : )

Man, I suck at checking this thing lately. I've been soooooo soooooo sooooooo stressed at work, but luckily my job is over in two days (so now I am trying to find a new, hopefully less stressful job! Hurray!) Anyway, T, sorry to hear that things royally suck for you but exercise and forcing a positive attitude go a LONG way, surprisingly.

So I've been working out with my personal trainer Kristin for the past like 5 weeks and it's interesting, because it definitely helps and she created a super in-depth plan for me to adhere to during the week so that I can build my aerobic base and get to a point where I'm burning calories more efficiently. It's interesting, because I thought that I would be in super awesome shape (or at least getting there) but I don't really see that much of a difference. I'm guilty of weighing myself every single day, bad habit, and I gained weight! I guess I SORT of understand the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" argument, but damnit, I want to lose weight! I don't care that I'm building muscle, I don't want to ever have to look at that stupid number on the scale ever again.

So that's my gripe. But workouts are getting easier so I know that my fitness level is increasing, which is good. Two weekends ago I had the GENIUS idea to RUN from my house to the gym (7 miles on a concrete sidewalk the whole way). My hips and shins were killing me after that stint, but it was awesome to see that I could handle it!

I finally got my bike tuned and decided to go for a ride yesterday since it was sooo nice outside. I hadn't ridden my bike in approximately four years, so it was awkward at first trying to get used to my gears again, etc, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I ended up riding around town for two hours yesterday. Needless to say, my ass is pretty damn sore but it was sure fun and I'd like to get out to ride some trails soon. I definitely want to check out the trail at the Cherry Creek Rez, too, so that I can determine whether or not I should slap some road tires on my mountain bike for the race. If anyone wants to go for a ride sometime to check out the course, that'd be great.

I'm excited about the 5K in Boulder next weekend. I've been wanting to check out Kinetics anyway because it's basically just a big party by the beach in Boulder. It'll be great to get out and get a practice race in. Plus, a pancake breakfast at the finish line? I'm so there.

So I guess I'll keep on truckin'... but I wish the number on that damn scale would start going down! Maybe your two-a-day workouts aren't such a bad idea, T!


So since my life has turned into a crazy mixed-up bag of drama and general crap, I've decided that the way to get through it is to start training hardcore (well, and i need to anyway), which means two-a-days (at least).

This means (hopefully) that I will:
  • Be at the gym only to swim, elliptical it and lift, unless inclement weather
  • Run outside (a lot), which also includes stairs at Red Rocks as soon as lung-ly possible
  • Get my bike in to get tuned so I can start doing the C-470 bike trail AND bike to work
  • Go to the park to do sprint workouts AND the return of the plyometrics
  • Act like a kid and hula-hoop and jump rope - both good for me, but also a way to keep it fun

This is the plan, at least - hopefully I'll stick to it. I may also run on the treadmill at the gym since my lungs seem to like the treadmill a bit more than outside - well that, and the treadmill forces the legs to keep moving. However, I should actually go back to the rec center and run on their track, too - still get just the plain running stuff but without the crap outside that makes it worse on the ol' lungs.

Oh, and Amber's doing the 5k on May 5th with me so YAY!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Anyone Up for a Training 5k?

Sooo ... anyone up for a pre-tri 5k? Saw a pamphlet at work for the "10th Annual 97.3 KBCO Kinetic 5K Race Around the Rez" which apparently takes place in Boulder on Saturday, May 5. The race is at 9am, is $15 before May 3 (no shirt), $20 before April 27 (with shirt) or $25 on race day (if spots available). Info is on the KBCO Web site, where you can also register (without mailing in something). I'm crazy and thinking of doing it ... partially because it will mean I get to take the day off from work - woo!

In terms of training updates, stupid vacations throw me off like whoa. Also crappy is I'm apparently one of those people who can't take more than two days off in a row without completely killing any progress I've made. Boo. Oh well, just more motivation to kick my own ass I guess ...

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I dunno T, I think we'd better find out what Gen's plans are, pronto! I'd much rather be known as a member of TAG than the A in T&A...

P.S. Today is cardio interval day, but I have zero motivation to drag my A to the gym since it's raining cats and dogs outside. Although I did go by Runner's Roost to buy new running shoes yesterday (got the treadmill gait analysis and everything). Damn I love how I just signed my entire paycheck over to Tri-training tools. I guess I don't really need to eat for the next two weeks... : /

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Official ...

... I'm in too. I just paid my $80 entrance fee so no matter what, I'll be at the starting line. Now if we can find some news on Gen (since the loser still hasn't posted in the blog :-p), we'll be all set.

In regards to training, I had a minor setback when I went to Minnesota for the WCHA Final Five tournament for work. I had every intention of working out when I was there, going so far as to getting an IHRSA Passport card and finding a gym, but sleep ended up winning out. I did manage to run some one day, so we'll count that as a small victory.

Now that I'm back home, however, I'm back to training as best as I can. Since the weather's getting better, I also hope to add in some sprint workouts outside and integrate plyometrics back in to the routine. Once mid-April rolls around (that is, end of the college hockey season), I'm also going to start going hard-core on the swimming, including probably finding a coach for a lesson or two for some much-needed help.

One good thing to report though - flexibility seems to be getting much better! I've been a good girl and stretching every day when I work out (after first session of cardio and before other sessions of cardio and weights) and I can reach further than before, so woo hoo!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

$$ Spent... hope it's worth it!

So I paid my entrance fee and signed up for the Tri! It's official, I'm in! I also decided that my measley sporadic workouts weren't gonna cut it... so I sucked it up and slapped down a ridiculous majority of my last paycheck for a 12-pack with my new personal trainer, Kristen (that's 2x a week for the next 6 weeks, ladies and gentlemen!) In my first session we did cardio intervals (10 minutes on the treadmill, 10 on the stairstepper, and 10 on the elliptical... and let me tell you, I've never sweat so much in my entire life, it was pretty sad but awesome that I could kick that much ass in a 30 minute workout). So on Thursday we are doing upper body weights. I don't lift weights. I'm a total girl when it comes to working out. Kristen's gonna kick my ass... and I'm scared. But excited. Hopefully it'll be well worth it come August (Not to mention I'll be good and ready for bikini season! Woo-hoo!)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Wanted: Money ...

... for a personal trainer! I just learned that one of the trainers at work can do some swim coaching and used to do triathlons. Talked to him this morning and he said that he could help me out. He can't actually do in-pool training (work's weird like that), but can help with form and all that stuffs.

While I'm still debating about getting a couple lessons with an actual swim coach, I'm leaning toward this since my employee discount actually works on training sessions. Still, with my pathetic swim knowledge (or lack thereof), someone in-pool might be better.

Anyone more knowledgable on the subject have any thoughts?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Progress Update

Don't worry people, no updates doesn't mean no training (at least in my case). I sadly still haven't started swimming yet (boo), but as I think I mentioned before, I'm going to wait until hockey season is over so I can actually focus on swimming since that will be my weakest part.

In other good news ...
  • Been able to do 12 minutes running on the treadmill (random, level 2, 5.7mph; last two min. at 6.0 and 6.5 mph, respectively) without the lungs bothering me too horribly much. For those who know, my issue with running isn't my legs - it's my stupid sports-induced asthma so while my legs say I can still run, my lungs say otherwise. This is an improvement over the 7 minutes I had been usually doing. I did do 15 the other day to burn off some stress, but the last few minutes were a struggle and I was doing the rusty pipe organ breathing thing.
  • Even though I was sore as hell today (cardio/legs tues., cardio/arms/24 hour fit dance class wed., turbo kick-boxing/hockey last night), I still managed to do a little over 7 miles in 20 minutes on the bike (!). I found this a bit odd since I've been averaging between a 3 and 4 minute mile on the bike (sport-specific, level 8 or 9) lately and I thought that big of a jump was weird. In any case, I'll take it.

In bad news ...

  • On a random whim, decided to have my bodyfat percentage tested at the gym (one of the trainers had five minutes to help me out). I hadn't had it done since senior year in college when I had it tested before and after taking a weight training class - was 26-something before and went down to 23-something after. Weeeeeelllll ... now I'm at about 29. Yuck. Said trainer helping me out said she was about the same, but really, I thought I'd be in a bit better shape since I graduated especially since I work out more. Part of it could be that the two tests were slightly different (school did caliper measurements on tricep, side, quad; gym did tricep, bicep, side and back), but still. Ew. Oh well, just another motivational tool, right?

So, that's my update. Since my workouts have been good (despite lack of swimming-ness), my next step is to start eating better (and less, in some cases. oops.) to add an extra push.

Happy training!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Uhhh training info, T beat me to it!

Haha, Oh Theresa you read my mind (or vice-versa) because I just signed on so I could post TRAINING GUIDE INFORMATION when I saw your new entry. Anyway, I would love a copy of the 5280 article. Thanks! At some point I will likely pick up a guidebook such as the one you suggested, but for now I'm starting easy and just trying to get back in the habit of working out on a regular basis. Thus, I have found the training guidelines on the Tri For the Cure Web site to be helpful... it's just a simple calendar with suggested excercises for each day, with alloted rest days, and will get more detailed and intense as it gets closer to August. I find it helpful to have a simple reference guide so I can stay on track and have some sort of structure in my life. It'll be a couple months before I can pull out the big guns! So, you guys haven't seen it.

P.S. How's everyone doing? Glad you're feeling better T! How is Vail Gen? I'd love it if we could all get together sometime.

-A : )

Friday, February 9, 2007

Look, an Update! ... re: Training Guides

Don't know why everyone else hasn't posted in a bit (or at all ... *cough*Gen*cough*), but I'm just now getting over the sickness of death that has been fairly prevalent and about. As a result, not much gym time for me lately. I wanted to go, but I've been good and been forcing myself not to go. Woo! Now that I'm better (or getting there), I've begun to venture back, but at a definitely reduced pace.

In any case, not working out gave me time to do other stuff like clean my room and go through old magazines and stuff. One of which was 5280 Magazine ... and what do you know, one of the back issues I had actually had a triathlon training guide in it! The very shortened version is here; I ripped out and kept the actual article which was much more in depth - didn't have the training guide, but y'know.*

Along the lines of training guides, I think I may have to pick up this, sent along to me by a friend, Brian, whose wife Heather does tris, so much thanks to them!

Now hopefully this sickness can STAY AWAY so I can get back on track with training ...

* Which, Amber and Gen, if you want copies of said article, let me know.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Back on Track

Woo! After my grumbling, I've managed to get back on the proverbial wagon (horse?) and work out the past two days. Still no more pool time, but I'll get to that - I think I need to get me a lesson somehow.

In any case, I was a crazy machine tonight - I was at the gym for 195 minutes (that's right, 3hrs 15min), being a machine. I officially got there at 4ish to get a parking spot (can't get anywhere near the place at 5pm) and, after arriving, was fortunate enough to snag an elliptical. True, ellipticals aren't technically tri-specific, but I figure building my cardio endurance up is also good. After 25 minutes on there, I stretched out (been forcing myself to get back into that before i injure myself) and did this foam roller thingy one of the trainers showed me to stretch out my thigh muscles. At this point, I was extremely fortunate enough to snag one of the GOOD treadmills, so hopped on there for 12 minutes (3 cooldown) at 5.7 mph (last two minutes were at 6 and 6.5 mph, respectively). Usually the ol' lungs can only do about 7 minutes, so this was a good improvement. :)

After that I took two aerobics classes with one of the trainers (talked her into staying through the entire 24tease and she convinced me to stay through turbo kick boxing) then contined on to do upper body weight work (ugh, pathetic) and a 12 minute cooldown on one of the recumbent bikes (level 6 random). All in all, I hope I didn't overdo it too much and will be good and take my cardio easy tomorrow.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Figures, I start a blog about triathlon training progress and I haven't been able to work out in two days. *sigh* ...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The psychology behind Amber's decision to "tri it."

The Breast Cancer component:
So, basically I have always supported causes that benefit breast cancer awareness and research. Two of my great-grandmothers (my dad's and my mom's maternal grandmothers) had breast cancer and had to have mastectomies as a result. Knowing that I'm at a higher risk for developing breast cancer has led me to support this cause any time I have the chance.

I also saw a vibrant, gorgeous and energetic young woman on The Today show one time who was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was only 27 years old. Her soul had so much life left... in fact, she found out that she had cancer when she went in for an appointment with her Ob/gyn to ask about pre-natal vitamins as she and her husband were trying to conceive their first child. So sad. She wrote a book detailing the trials and tribulations she experienced with the aggressive medical treatments she endured, and I immediately ordered it from Amazon and read it out of curiousity. It was fabulous, highly recommend it: "Why I Wore Lipstick to my Mastectomy" by Geralyn Lucas. It really opened my eyes to the degree of physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering that women with breast cancer experience as they fight this disease, which more or less maims the essence of their womanhood. Thus, I'm a big fan of supporting the cause to find a cure. I hope I never have to fight this awful battle.

The Triathlon/athletic component:
I've done the Race for the Cure (5K) for several years, but I've always had my eye on the July and August triathlons (Danskin and Tri for the Cure, both of which benefit breast cancer foundations). I actually heard about the Danskin triathlon first, when I worked at Nordstrom two years ago, because they were a sponsor. That's when my "wheels" started turning. Then, last year I heard about the Tri for the Cure, and read more about it. I also started to run across more and more women who had participated in either or both of these triathlons in recent years. All of the coincidences I was experiencing and signs that I was receiving were pointing me toward participating in one of these triathlons. Thus, my interest in doing so has been growing exponentially over the past couple years.

However, since I started college I've been somewhat of an "off and on" athlete. Working out rather inconsistently for the past five years, I now find it difficult to motivate myself to maintain a suitable fitness level for any considerable amount of time. In high school, I was a member of the JV swim team and Varsity tennis team, and I looked forward to my daily workouts. Mainly because I was a member of a team where I had coaches and teammates who pushed, encouraged, and depended on me. The structured and mandatory practices didn't hurt much, either.

So, although I have been feeling empowered about the idea of competing in a sprint triathlon for several years now, I haven't been able to muster the motivation to do it alone. I've tried to recruit friends to train and compete with me, but hadn't been able to find anybody to rally. Then, last week I saw on Theresa's away message that she was beginning to train for the Tri for the Cure with Genevieve. I was ecstatic that these fellow civic-minded St. Mary's alumns of mine were taking the plunge, so I asked T if I could join them and here I am/we are! : )

On a personal level, I've been dying to get back in shape after putting on 15 lbs last spring/ summer when I had a difficult four-month bout with MONO. My energy has been significantly lower than normal and has been increasing at a dishearteningly slow rate since last summer. I know it will be a rough and demanding journey from the point I'm at now until the finish line of a triathlon, but I'm confident with all of my heart that I can do it. I am so grateful for the opportunity to train for what will be such a significant physical accomplishment, and one that benefits the social cause that is nearest and dearest to my heart. To have an opportunity to join my long-lost and recently re-discovered high school friends throughout this six-month process of mental and physical pain, growth, strength and endurance is just fabulous. I couldn't be more excited for what's to come! (Even if that is a 1/2 mile swim, 12.4 mile bike race, and 3.1 mile run...)
: )

The Whys and the Hows ... Among Other Stuff

So I kinda forgot to mention in my last post why I decided to do the Tri for the Cure in the first place. Gen decided that she wanted to do a triathlon and, based off that, one for a good cause. How she stumbled upon the Tri for the Cure I'm not exactly sure, but once she suggested it, I thought, "sure, why not?" I've run two 5Ks before (the ol' neighborhood has been doing them the past two years for the 4th of july) so really, what's .5 miles of swimming and 12.4 miles of biking before that? Pffffft ...

... kidding, of course. Even though I've "run" 5Ks, it doesn't mean that I was necessarily successful at them. 34:17 my first year and 31:31 last year (new goal this year - break 30), and that included some walking ... stupid sports asthma. I'm not worried about the biking/cycling(?) at all - hills are evil in wind, but Cherry Creek State Park isn't all that hilly. Also, on the stationary bike (sport specific, level 7/8), i'm averaging just under a three minute mile, so that's good.

However, swimming will kill me. I can swim enough to keep myself alive - I do what can really only be described as a modified breaststroke. Try swimming in the "normal" style though? Yeah, not so much - I feel like a snail moving through molasses. Hopped in the pool at work (work at a gym to pay the bills) the other day and managed 15 minutes in the pool before I died. The legs burned and the arms were bad and yeah, it just wasn't pretty. At least I know what I really need to work on though ...

Post the First

Hey there ... Theresa here. I started this blog to document the exploits of two friends from high school and I as we train for (and compete in!) the 2007 Denver Tri for the Cure. I hope that I can get them to join me here in posting so you can read stuff from their point of view as well.

Oh to explain the address of tagtri4the cure ... our three initials make up the word "tag." Nifty, eh?