Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reality Check

So in my late-night ponderings last night, I came to a scary realization in that this year's tri is about two and a half months away.

Two. and. a. half. months. To be exact, 80 days away.



Scary, isn't it? I'm trying to think of my progress now from where I was at this point last year and it's not all that comforting. I can swim better than I could last year at this point, but I also don't swim nearly enough. I'm going tonight which is good and hopefully I can start going two to three times a week, varying up the workouts I do while I'm in the pool.

I'm regularly running more now than I was last year (thanks, boyfriend!), but in terms of pace, I'm actually slower. I completed a 5K on May 11, running the whole way, but my time was a good 2 minutes slower than it was during the 5K I ran all the way last year on May 5. Still, given that I'm running more at this point than I was last year gives me a lot of hope.

In terms of cycling, this is where I might be screwed ... in part because I don't have a functional bike (thanks, gen's boyfriend). I'd really like to get a road bike for my birthday, but if I get it then, I'll only have 29 days until the tri to get used to it and train hard on it - MUCH later than I'd prefer. Which means, get my old bike fixed and hope it doesn't take too long. And hope that wheels aren't that expensive. Erg. That, or hope John's still willing to fork out some dough for it. Either way ...

I also want to lift a lot more this year than I did last year - I wasn't lifting that much during training - just pure cardio. While that isn't technically the worst thing to do, I think lifting more will aid me as well.

Really, all I think I need to do is tell myself to breathe. My boyfriend, Brandon, (whom i also share my other blog with) is moving out here and says he'll become my training buddy and push me - which I really need. Hopefully I can coordinate some time with Amber to go on some rides (or find a bike for brandon to use) and we should be good ... right?

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